Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I have found that you don't have to have a good day every day. I have also found that you don't have to be busy every single day or every single moment of the day. I work hard during the school year with planning up to 60 different plans for students every week. Then doing reports and then providing therapy. So I am super busy every day of the week. So I deserve several days of mindless thinking.

So now it is summer and a time to be lazy. When I sit and watch a movie, my mind starts wandering about how I can be busy, to be more creative, and how to improve my life. So I head onto Pinterest and then get overwhelmed with all the projects I could be doing to "improve" my life. Then I start feeling depressed. I would like to be married, have a family, my own home, my own garden, to live within my means, to create homemade products (canning, fresh fruits and veggies, condiments, curtains, pillows, clothes, etc.), delicious home cooked meals (instead of eating out), and create a daily schedule and "try" to stick to it. I know I can't be perfect and that I can only do so much every single day.

I also find myself dreaming of what life could be life and missing out on life itself. I love reading and studying, making plans, and goals, but then I hit a wall and become discouraged and cannot figure out what I really am supposed to do. I don't want to waste the time that my Heavenly Father has given me, but I have think I have for the last five years ever since I graduated. I have kept learning and overwhelming myself.

So now I need to step back and develop a few goals and I mean a few. Then go out and live life. Don't waste a moment. I also need to realize that the type of situation I am in right now. I keep on dreaming of being married and everything I can do during that time and missing out on the situation I am in right now. I am single and I need to grasp that concept and live to the fullest. I can do whatever I want and whenever I want. If I want to go to the temple I should go. If I want to go for a drive, I should. If I want to take a class I should.

I would write my goals here, but they are very important and personal to me.

If on the other hand if I was married I would enjoy every minute I had with my husband and children. I would still have some time for me to workout, read, and to be creative, but I decided to get married so my time and effort would be on my family. I would find out how to incorporate my goals into a family setting. This is where a schedule would come and more creativity.

Right now who knows what my life will be like a year from now or five years from now. I may be married and I may not be. I cannot totally plan my future, but I can prepare myself for me. To be financially stable and to find happiness now.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here I am again......

It has been a trying and hard week for me. Like the rest of the human beings I have made some mistakes this week, but have I learned from them? Yes I have.

Some things that I have learned this week.....

I love to go for walks. I love to eat. I love to watch movies. I love to be lazy. I love to read. I love experimenting with things. I also learned that I can eat whatever I would like, but there are certain boundaries I need to take, like portion sizes. It's all about a lifestyle change. Not another diet where you can only eat certain foods. Or you have to workout 1/3 of the day to lose weight. In America we eat too much, because the food industry has super sized everything and so we know nothing else, unless we are a nutritionist or a dietician. We also have made ourselves too busy to really sit down and enjoy the taste of food. You need to responsible for yourself and not let others actions effect your mood. Work hard for yourself because you are the only one you can get back to heaven. So no matter how lazy a friend is don't let that bother you. just work on yourself and be a good example.

On the other hand....we need to eat low glycemic foods that take longer to digest and leave us fuller, eat slowly, eat smaller meals over the day, increase fiber intake from natural foods, eat fewer flavors  within a meal, exercise, use smaller dishes, drink TONS of water, maintain a good mood, remove food from sight, sleep 7-8 hours, learn REAL portion sizes, put fork down between bites and take a drink of water, do your favorite physical activity to get you up and moving. Prioritize your time.

These things are simple enough to do each and every day.

One of the big things is to make sure you are in a good mood. That you are happy. That I am happy. This week I have learned that to be happy I need to put myself first. I need to take daily walks where I can clear my head. I need time to read and relax. I need time to study my scriptures and pray. I need time to write in my journal. I need time to forget all my fears and doubts by attending the temple or serving others (which I do everyday at my job. I have the best job ever). I need time to learn new things and improve myself.

One more thing I learned this week is that I need to know who I am and what I stand for. I learned from a 17-year-old James E. Talmage a few years ago that you need to know what you stand for and what you believe and know. So I wrote "My Resolution to be a Daughter of God" back on March 31st and review it often so I know what I need to do each and everyday. Maybe one day I will share it on here, but for now it is my private piece of work.

This feels very good to get things off my chest and head on to something else.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Journey to be My Better Self

It has been a while since I have posted anything.

Day One
I am being a little selfish and writing this blog a little bit more for me than many of you. Kind of like my on-line journal to myself.

I have struggled with being overweight most of my life. I have tried some diets, but I wouldn't call any of them fad. As I sat in my room last night I tried to think about what as gotten me to this point. Some of the ideas I came up with.....I came to know that food would be a constant 'friend" to me and never let me down, my hands have to do something while watching television or a movie and would eat, I wouldn't want to let anyone down if they wanted to go out to eat and I already have so I would eat again, sometimes I am just plain lazy, I spend too much time with less important things, those mundane things that suck up your time like Facebook, phone, shows, e-mail, etc. I also found that I am kind of tired after I get home from work. I am a worrier and worry too much about other people and not enough about myself. Oh and the organization thing, not very good at that either, in the means of sticking to a schedule of sorts. I have even have a difficult time with telling myself no. Low self-confidence in the areas of work, school, dating, and overall in life.

Yes I have come up with so many excuses of why I am the way I am. In my way of thinking I need to start somewhere and if I can find your weaknesses, I can eventually start working on them so I can turn my life around and become the person Heavenly Father always wanted me to be.

If I look at being healthy it is quite simple actually. Put healthy and good portions of food into my body and exercise at least  minutes a day I have the perfect combination for weight loss or to keep healthy. However, life happens, well at least YOU let life run over you, like I have let it do to me. I just get so wrapped up in life that I don't know what to have for dinner so I get fast food. I get bored and just eat. I am sad and I eat. I am celebrating and I eat.

My life isn't quite I thought it would be at this point. When I turned 30 last week I thought that I had wasted years of my life and from this point I couldn't do more, I couldn't progress. Well I say heck with that. I can still do so much more. I can become healthier. I can travel if I want. I can learn a new language. I can learn how to play the guitar. I can learn new recipes and how to cook. I can learn to make beautiful pieces of jewelry. I can be happy. No one and no thing can tell me that I can't or that I'm not good enough. I AM the only one that can tell myself that. I can take constructive criticism and learn and grow from that, but no one can bring me down.

So to boil it down to one thing that keeps me from being healthy and happy is the emotional part of letting go of all the negative things of my past and looks towards the future and some emotional healing. Okay a lot of emotional healing. I know I don't need to be perfect, but I need to be at least 80/20 in how I live my life. Eighty percent on a schedule and 20% spontaneous.

I need to forgive the demons of my past from professors telling me that I'm not good enough, to guys not looking my way and asking me on dates, to not feeling adequate enough and wanting to be popular in school, to grandparents who want what is best for me, but sometimes not living up to THEIR standards. Also, to parents who expect so much for me in life, but coming to the conclusion that I may never get that. I also need to forgive myself for what I have done to myself. To all those thoughts of not being good enough, to berating myself for stupid mistakes I have made, and not treating myself as a temple and a gift from Heavenly Father. I sometimes look at my past and all I see is the negative things that have happened and I forget to look at the positive things. Like when my professors told me I wasn't good enough, but after I presented my thesis one of my professors told me that one of the greatest therapists was leaving the University to go out and help others. Which statement do I look at most often and lean on in my line of work sometimes? The first one. The negative always outshines the positive and in my life I need to change that.

To look at one other thing that is positive is that I have a friend that always tells me that I am beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, etc., even when I feel at my crappiest, because he looks past my looks and how I feel about myself and sees the goodness in me and the inner beauty that is waiting to burst forth. These are the type of people we need in our lives that when we see one thing that is negative, they always look for the positive.

So this is where I am going to start on my "Journey to Beautiful" as my friend called her journey. I just love that quote. I do believe that I am beautiful now, but I will transform into who my Heavenly Father needs me to be so I can fulfill my divine potential. I will start working through my emotional baggage and say sayonara to each one-by-one, every single day of my life. Also, learn how to schedule myself and do the things that are most important in my life for me and no one else.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


When you sit down to watch a movie just to past the time and it turns out to be something that you really needed to hear or see. I had that today.

The movie I watched was "EAT, PRAY, LOVE" Three simple, but powerful words. (As a side note, some not so good scenes, luckily I slept through those)

Julia Roberts in her character as Liz states that she feels nothing, has nothing to give, cannot support her friends, no love, etc. This is where I begin.

I have been in such a place over the past several weeks that is dark and unable to really see what is importanti in my life. I have been living upon the world's standards and not on the Lord's standards. I have been trying to have total control over my life and not allowing heavenly Father to direct it and having faith in him. I have been wanting other people's lives, like a young woman who I work with who started to date a guy that sends her gifts and can come and have lunch with her. She has also lost weight and is looking amazing. I look at those people who have nice, clean homes, great and incredible jobs that makes a lot of money, who owns boats and jet skis, who have traveled the world and have seen amazing things, those who can go hiking and biking, run races, etc. etc. etc.

I look at my life and say what have I done with it? What usually pops up is that I am struggling with my weight, I am in a job that doesn't pay enough to buy a nice home or nice things. I am dating a guy who doesn't have his GED and a college education, who works for minimum wage, didn't serve a mission, and can't go running. I don't stop and look at the good that has happened.

Maybe someday I can experience some of those things, but for right now I need to be me. I need to be a daughter of my Heavenly Father. and see myself as he sees me. I need to be the person who has earned a Master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology and work hard every day to make my student's lives just a little bit easier and accessible. I need to be the person who has covenanted with my Heavenly Father and keep my end of the promise. I need to be the person that has gone to France twice and remember those great experiences. I was born not to hold still, but to explore and drink in life. To drink in the happiness, sadness, joy, pain from life. To allow it to mold me into the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I need to see that the guy I am dating is honest, caring, a hardworker, compassionate, not afraid to speak his mind, who would do anything for me if I asked, he would get me the moon and stars, he is moving forward and not backwards, and he is not abusive physically or emotionally. I am one lucky girl.

Many of us want what our parents have now. A house, two cars, money in the bank, vacations, and a more stable life. What we need to realize that they had to struggle and save to get where they are today. We want to marry a rich doctor and some of will, but we have to realize how much debt they go into to get there. So you won't be rich for a while and you won't see your husband as much because they have to work long hours. From listening to the Prophet's and the apostles on how they struggled as young couples, but they are stronger for it. How they put faith and trust in our loving Heavenly Father. If they can do it, so can we. If we struggle our lives will be better for it. If life is easy then we won't learn anything. I have made many mistakes that I am not proud of, but have I learned from them? Well sort of, I am still gleaning information and advice from them. Mistakes I don't want to make in the future.

I need to get outside of me and look around and know that I can make a difference. I need to let go of everything that is holding me back from living. Fear, laziness, worry, self-absorbed, over analyzing, jealousy, envy, etc. I never thought I would get to this point in my life. I thought I would live the gospel the best I could and go on from there. I never thought I would compare my life to others and actually try to change my to fit others. Yes I can improve myself and my situation, but I shouldn't try to be like someone else. They will have trials, but they won't be like mine. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Who knows where I will end up in five, ten, thirty years. Maybe I will be living on another continent or in a small apartment or in a nice comfortable home, trying to make ends meet or able to save for a rainy day or whatever the Lord needs me to do. As long as I keep the gospel in my life and live and oby the commandments I will get through this. I will.

Lesson today, remember who YOU are. Do not compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the Savior. Are you trying to be like him or the world? Are you trying too hard or taking it way too easy? Are you trying to control your whole life and not allowing Heavenly Father to be a part of it? Try to be like the Savior, serve others, love others, live within your means, work hard for what you have, become self-reliant. We need to learn and grow in this life. Only our knowledge and love is what we can take with us.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Individual Worth

I have been so overwhelmed on how to organize my life. Trying to figure out what is most important to me. Yes my first blog was about the goals I wanted to accomplished, but it has been toooooo much for me. Well the thought came to me that I needed to focus first on who I am before I can do anything else.

So first off I needed to find the inspiration to start. Here is the inspiration: My friend once upon a time told me that before you can love others you have to love yourself first. This is a very good place to start (yes, The Sound of Music). Well now I have had this thought on my mind for several years now, gave it a little bit of thought here and there. This story has been coming back to me A LOT lately. So maybe it is about time for me to take a hold of it and apply it (Oh applying it is a whole lot harder than saying it).

Now I have the inspiration, now where to start. I have the scriptures and talks. I could definitely search the internet. I thought I would start at Oh the plethora of information. The most unlikely source for a 29-year-old woman is the Young Woman's Personal Progress program. This program helped me so much from the ages of 12-18. So why not now?

So to find out how to love myself is to know the love my Heavenly Father has for me.I have always known that Heavenly Father loved me, but other things overshadowed this knowledge. I have had to work out the things that have haunted me for years. First of being overweight most of my life, being teased in elementary, Junior High, and High School. Being told that I will never achieve a whole lot. Not a great dating life, well almost obsolete dating life. Wanting to be part of the popular crowd. So a lot of things to work through.

Individual Worth is a great place to start:

You are a daughter of Heavenly Father, who knows you and loves you. Read Psalm 8:4–6; Jeremiah 1:5; John 13:34; Doctrine and Covenants 18:10; Abraham 3:22–23; and Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20. Write in your journal how these scriptures teach you that Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and is mindful of you.

We can hear of his love over and over again from our church leaders, our parents, and our friends, but sometimes these can be just words to us. Now what I needed to do was to take these words, the words from the scriptures, and fervent prayer and put them all together. Then apply faith and work very hard to engrain this into my life. This is just the beginning and will be a great process.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

So I have no idea how others do it. A job, working out, eating healthy, cooking, cleaning, a boyfriend/family, spiritual learning, church calling, food storage, budgeting, hobbies, etc. Trying to wrap my mind around it all is sort of overwhelming. I watch the families in my homeward and others around me, yes I know they are not perfect, but it seems a little easier for them.

This summer will be the summer where I make these goals into habits. On top of that I want to look for a place of my own and move out of my parents home.

I have been thinking about my goals. I decided that in order for things to become habits is to focus on a few at a time. So the goals that I am working on right now is spiritual learning, eating healthy, exercise, and budgeting.

Anyone who is trying to better themselves need to realize that it is a process, life is a process. Improvements will not come immediately come overnight and people need to work on it every day, hour, minute, and second. I have also learned that you need a plan and then put that plan into action. You don't need every second of your day planned out, but you need to renew & remind yourself consistently of your plan. I have also learned that you need to make a lifestyle change, because if you stop working out intensely (like 1 1/2+ hours) and only eating foods that your trainer suggested or having to count numbers, etc. your body will most likely not be able to adapt from doing those intense things and then having to deal with a hectic lifestyle. I have also learned that in order for a person to be successful is to have the support of their family. It's not fair to cook two different meals. The family needs to be on the improvement.

Today is my first day of being off for the summer.

Here is my plan:
-Set aside time to study my scriptures & conference talks.
-Plan on Fridays a weekly menu of breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Learn to eat in moderation at dinner. Make a list of ingredients needed. Shop on Saturday mornings.
-Exercise, choose recumbent bike or walking in the morning. Then do a 10 minute strength training DVD. Try for 5X/week.
-Set up budget the last day of the month for the next month. Update expenditures on Thursdays and the last day of the month.

As these goals become habits I can continue to add other goals. Of course many of you may ask, what will you do with the rest of your time? Well there will be other things I want to accomplish, but these are things that I really want to accomplish.

I'm also trying to figure out how to make meals quick, healthy, and cheaper for my boyfriend and I when we have date nights or just hanging out together. I had started a lifestyle change back in August
2011 and by November 2011 I had lost 15 lbs. When I started to date by boyfriend I found that I was eating out more and eating more. Oh and I was moving less, because I wanted to be with him and it was during the colder months. I have found that I need to be more selfish and take time for myself  to workout. It has been hard to give time to my boyfriend and my family. I feel guilty most of the time. One of the other things that I am going to focus on is not feeling guilty and do what I need to.

So this will be a successful summer. There will be ups and downs. All I need to remember is that I will not be perfect and to get back up on the horse everytime I fall off.

 Plan + Action=Success

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So I have found that after work is the hardest time with me and eating everything and anything in sight. It's not eating large amounts of everything, but eating a little bit of each. Which really adds up for me. I need to find other outlets and activities to keep my mind busy and actually do them.

I have also found that I am having a hard time planning meals for one. I don't want to make something for four servings and be eating it for a week. I love variety and that is hard for me to have amounts of food left over. I would like to find quick and easy recipes. Also, recipes that incorporate more meatless protein like black beans.

One more thing that I have found and really didn't believe, but dating really does add the pounds too if you're not careful. Last August I had started a nutrition and health class through Intermountain Healthcare and had been losing weight. By November I had lost 15 lbs, I was so excited and then I met Aaron and started our adventures in dating. I found that I was eating out more and eating the same portion sizes as Aaron and started to pack on the pounds again. I also lacked on the exercise too, because I was staying out later with Aaron and not having the same routine as I had before. So I am learning that I have to be selfish and take time for myself, whether it be from Aaron or my family. At first it was very difficult when I decided to do this about 3 weeks ago. To tell you the truth I have been very good at the exercise, well at least moving. At least four days a week and a minimum of twenty minutes. I did start out slow at a level 3 and have gradually moved back up to a 6 or 7. Well on another note we did try joining a gym. It worked for about 3 or 4 months, but found it difficult to get down there with gas prices and all. So I'm sticking to walking or my recumbent bike.

I am still working on 'forget not to be patient' with myself. I am one of those that wants results now and not later. I want the answers to the spiritual, temporal, or emotional now and not have to wait for the right answer. This kind of contradicts when it comes to shopping, I have to think about purchases for a while before I purchase. I've also had to learn, and still learning that everything is in the Lord's time and when he sees fit for me to receive the blessings or the trials. I want to lose all the weight now, I want to be making more money now, I want to be married and have a family now (because so many friends have families of their own), I want to know a language already, or be proficient with the guitar. I am learning that things will take time and practice. Yes I've known it all along, but never really applied it.

So I am so excited for the summer. To be able to sleep in a little longer, to work on projects, to go on field trips, to make a habit of a healthy lifestyle, to work with my friend who is a personal trainer and catch up with her, learn a language, learn the guitar and to learn how to refurbish a chair. So many things, but to keep me busy. Oh and we can add Indexing to the list of things to do. Oh I love Indexing, but that is a story for another day.

Good night y'all. My eyes are getting blurry with sleep and beginning to type really silly things.